School Board


  • 7:00 pm

  • Third Monday of each month except when a majority of the Board agrees in advance and public notice is given.

  • Media Center
    302 West State Route A, Archie, MO 64725


  • Ryan Grimes - President

  • Jonas Jones - Vice President

  • Julie Smith - Treasurer

  • Board Secretary - Rebecca Deardorff

  • Jeremy Pettet - Member

  • Chad Reynolds - Member

  • Andrea Stark - Member

  • Mark Houchen - Member


All Board of Education meetings will be presided over by the Board President with the purpose of conducting business of the Board in a responsible and expeditious manner. Patrons may request to have an item considered for placement on the agenda by submitting a request in writing to the superintendent. Request forms are available by contacting the Central Office between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday.  To be considered, the request must be received at least five business days before the scheduled meeting. For more information contact us at (816) 293-5312 ext. 114.

Written correspondence may be directed to the Board through the superintendent.